Personalized Spiritual Development

$200 3mo. plan


$250 6mo. plan


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Ile Ashe of Ministry Ashe is proud to offer all who wish to actively invest in their spiritual growth and development the option of having a Personalized Spiritual Development Plan developed.

Each plan is uniquely created for the individual and includes Energy Readings at a substantially discounted rate.*

The purpose of these Spiritual Development Plans is to empower the individual with education on all that exists on their path. The plans will consist of a customized agenda lasting either 3 months or 6 months and include:

  • Phone/Web informational sessions on the Orisha and the Eggun
  • Training on how to divine with Obi (coconut)
  • Training on how to maximize the potency of personalized prayers
  • Training on how to properly make ebbos (offerings) to the Orishas and the Eggun
  • Training on how to connect with the energy of the Orishas and the Eggun
  • Training on how to maximize the potency of spiritual tools
  • At least a 20% discount on all services and products offered by Ministry Ashe
  • 6 Energy Readings (for 3 month plan)
  • 10 Energy Readings (for 6 month plan)
  • And more...

The cost for a Personalized Spiritual Development Plan is the following:
$200 for 3 month plan
$250 for 6 month plan

If we do not actively invest in our progress, then we inevitably fuel our stagnation and invite our regression. Break the cycle and order your Personalized Spiritual Development Plan today.

*Individual Energy Readings are available for $30 each.

For more information contact Ministry Ashe today.







Proudly donating 5% of our proceeds to Project RED